13.11. Tipping points_ArcticSpirit.jpg

Session on Arctic tipping points can be followed online on Wed Nov 15

Majority of the parallel sessions on the second full conference day are available only onsite but the two-part session on Arctic tipping points can be followed also online.

The Arctic is warming four times faster than the global average rate. Because the region contains several crucial tipping points, this warming not only causes major changes in local livelihoods and ecosystems, but also poses a serious threat to the rest of the world through massive sea level rise from melting ice caps, and rapid methane release from thawing permafrost. 

Given the urgency of the situation, a whole range of climate action measures have been suggested to slow down the effects of climate change in the Arctic and northern regions – and to keep the Arctic frozen. 

On Wednesday 15th of November, youth and indigenous leaders and scientific experts will explore the state of Arctic tipping point and the ethical issues that come up when considering potential mitigating measures at two sessions at the Arctic Spirit conference.

The session on the scientific knowledge of Arctic tipping points and their global implications will be streamed from 13:30 to 14:30 Finish time, followed by a panel on Indigenous and youth perspectives on climate interventions from 15:00 to 16:00. 

Both sessions will be available on: https://blogi.eoppimispalvelut.fi/ulapland/