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Two international conferences JustNorth and Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit will be organized in Rovaniemi, Korundi House of Culture on 15-17 November 2021. Both events are looking for students to become conference assistants.

Conference assistants are expected to help with various practical tasks such as taking questions from the audience and helping speakers and conference guests. No previous experience is required, assistants are trained for the task. The task requires proficiency in English but not in Finnish.

No salary is paid for the task, meals during work assignments are arranged. All assistants will be subsequently given a certificate for their participation.

If you got interested, submit a short free-form application to the conference coordinator by 22.10. via email Helen.Honkasaari(at)ulapland.fi 

You can apply for a position for one or more conference days. 

More information:

JustNorth Conference 15 November, 2021

Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit 16-17 November, 2021