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Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit Conference 

Registration for the Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit Conference is now open!


The Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit Conference on 12–13 November 2019 in Rovaniemi, Finland focuses on climate change, especially from the viewpoint of young people and future generations living in the Arctic. One goal of the event is to enhance dialogue between youth, researchers and decision makers.

The program of the conference is now published on the conference website www.rovaniemiarcticspirit.fi. The first conference day consists of invited keynote speeches and panel discussions focusing on the voice of Arctic youth and the different levels of climate-related decision-making. The venue for the first conference day is culture house Korundi. The second day takes place in Arktikum and topics of the parallel thematic sessions include rights of present and future generations, youth-wellbeing, organizations challenges related to climate change, energy policies and polar regional change.

The registration for the conference is now open on the conference website www.rovaniemiarcticspirit.fi. The early bird fee is available until 20 October 2019.

The main organizers of the conference are the Arctic Centre at the University of Lapland and the City of Rovaniemi. During the event, Arctic Centre will celebrate its 30th anniversary. Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit has been organized in Rovaniemi every two years since 2013 and is the only regular international Arctic conference in Finland.

For more information:

Program and registration: www.rovaniemiarcticspirit.fi
Twitter: @TheArcticSpirit
Facebook: @rovaniemiarcticspirit

Anne Raja-Hanhela (available 24.-28.6.2019 and 1.8.2019–)
Conference coordinator
Arctic Centre, University of Lapland
anne.raja-hanhela(at)ulapland.fi, +358 40 039 1337

Markku Heikkilä
Head of Science Communications
Arctic Centre, University of Lapland
markku.heikkila(at)ulapland.fi, +358 40 484 4300