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Call for Abstracts is open!


The Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit Conference takes place on 12–13 November 2019 in Rovaniemi, Finland. Theme of the conference is climate change especially from the viewpoint of young people and future generations living in the Arctic. One goal of the event is to enhance dialogue between youth, researchers and decision makers.

Program of the first conference day consists of invited keynote speeches and panel discussions. On the second day, parallel thematic sessions will look into the main theme from various angles.

For the thematic sessions, conference organizers invite abstracts from all disciplinary backgrounds. Abstracts should be sent before August 23, 2019 by email to rovaniemi.arcticspirit(at)ulapland.fi Number of accepted presentations is limited.

Topics of the thematic sessions:
Climate change as a challenge for organizations in the Arctic
Climate change and the rights of present and future generations 
Live, work or leave? Youth-wellbeing and the viability of Arctic towns and cities
Polar regional change: physical, social-ecological and economic feedbacks
Arctic entwinements of energy, climate and politics

See more detailed instructions here

Photo: Elli Alasaari

For more information:

Anne Raja-Hanhela
Conference coordinator
Arctic Centre, University of Lapland
PL 122, 96101 Rovaniemi
+35840 0391337

Twitter: @TheArcticSpirit 